1 Peter 1:17 “…no favourites when He judges. He’ll judge or reward you according to what you do”. God is just! He won’t bias towards anyone. He’ll reward you for your good deeds, and punish you for your bad deeds. So, decide ourselves. Do we want reward or punishment?
Mathew 9:16-17 Jesus says ‘you can’t put new wine into old wineskins’. New wine and new anointing is going to pour down on us, but our old selves often hold us back from receiving more from God. Get rid of the old one and strive for a new you.
So interestingly, Apostle Paul said in Romans, chapter 7 “the things I want to do I don’t. And the things I don’t want to do, I end up doing”. Paul was struggling to do the right thing. In verse 19, he gives us insight into why he was having that struggle. He said “for I failed to practise the thing I desire to do”. You know? He was basically saying, I haven’t developed good habits in these areas. I’m not practising what I know I should be doing. Truth is we are all practising something, and the way to develop good habits is by practising the right things. Confusing?
Ivy Khor:
Acts 3:26 “when God rose up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways”. From that we know the purpose why God wants to send His son, Jesus Christ to this world. We have to repent in his name. by His name ONLY we can be able to go back to our Father.
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