Monday, November 30, 2009



Bible says “rejoice in the Lord always”. It simply says “be happy all the times”. No matter come on our way, we can have smiles on our faces each every fresh day and get excited on it. Studies tell us that negative parents raise negative children. If your parents focused more on what was wrong, living stressed out, uptight or discouraged; there is good possibility that you also develop same negative mindset. Well, bible told us that we can “reprogram” our own “computer”. Today I met an accident, my white Camry crashed on another car very badly. The woman came out of the car very fiercely. I managed to calm down. While waiting for Simon’s help, I just kept my heart in peace and praised Lord, “Rejoice in the Lord always”. This scripture makes me peaceful and grateful that nobody gets hurt. Thanks God!


2 Peter 1:21 “For these words did not ever come through the impulse of men: but the prophets had them from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit.” We need to get close with Holy Spirit and listen to God’s words. But, we need to be aware for Satan’s voices too! We must have faith in ourselves that we know what’s from God. Also, clear our hearts and minds, so that we can have close relationship with God. When our hearts and minds are not pure, we won’t be closed to Him, as there are too many things to perturb us from staying close with Him.

Sunday, November 29, 2009



1 Peter 5:14 “Give one another the kiss of love. Peace be to you all in Christ.” Once again, the scripture talks about love. The word “love” has been mentioned in the bible for many times. Indeed, it’s a great commandment from God to us. He wants us to love one another, just as He loves us. And He says, love gives way to peace. With love, our life will be peaceful and harmonious, as people are possessed with love, which induces good things, good deeds, good words, and good thinking.

Saturday, November 28, 2009



“Love your neighbour”. A simple word, but not everyone did it. While I was washing car just now, I read news. There is an overweight mother who used to drag herself around her house using her legs. Her weight makes her suffer and can’t even stand, she relies on her daughter who stops studying from year one to take care of her. This news reported a week ago, there is a doctor read it and offer his help. He is a Good Samaritan. Today, this mother loses her weight dramatically and is able to stand up and walks. It’s amazing. Show your love to somebody who is in need. His life will change!


1 Peter 4:1-2 “So that as Jesus was put to death in the flesh, do you yourselves be of the same mind; for the death of the flesh puts an end to sin; so that you may give the rest of your lives in the flesh, not to the desires of men, but to the purpose of God.” Jesus’ death ceases our sins. It’s His sacrificial love which saves us, that we are all free from the curse of sins. So, in our life, we should live out a godly life, based on God’s purposes and not our own desires!

Friday, November 27, 2009



1 Peter 3:13 “Who will do you any damage if you keep your minds fixed on what is good?” Right! If we always behave kind and positive, even if people want to harm you in any way, they will not be able to do so easily. It is because there isn’t any point for them to find out of, and to talk on with. We can choose to live a life of peace, without those prejudices. Be kind in any way, don’t indulge in anything bad.


Mark 8:33-34 “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me”. The road heading to the cross is not easy, but God is the Emanuel. We shall not be fear. God has promised to bless the one who chooses to put Christ and His kingdom first. Jia you!


Matthew 9:35-37 Notice that Jesus had a very headache schedule in his working ministry. He went through all the towns and villages to teach in the synagogue without any vehicle transport. He went through tough way, preaching the good news without hesitated and healing the disease and sickness. Still never complain and had compassion over the people. He said, “The harvest is plentiful but workers are few”. Who are we to complain that we don’t have time to serve? Ask yourself this question in your heart.

Ivy Khor:

Acts 5:29 We must obey God rather than men. No matter in what situation, we must obey God’s word, for he sees this world as a whole, he knows everything. We are nothing without God. God is the light of our way.

Thursday, November 26, 2009



1 Peter 1:17 “…no favourites when He judges. He’ll judge or reward you according to what you do”. God is just! He won’t bias towards anyone. He’ll reward you for your good deeds, and punish you for your bad deeds. So, decide ourselves. Do we want reward or punishment?


Mathew 9:16-17 Jesus says ‘you can’t put new wine into old wineskins’. New wine and new anointing is going to pour down on us, but our old selves often hold us back from receiving more from God. Get rid of the old one and strive for a new you.


So interestingly, Apostle Paul said in Romans, chapter 7 “the things I want to do I don’t. And the things I don’t want to do, I end up doing”. Paul was struggling to do the right thing. In verse 19, he gives us insight into why he was having that struggle. He said “for I failed to practise the thing I desire to do”. You know? He was basically saying, I haven’t developed good habits in these areas. I’m not practising what I know I should be doing. Truth is we are all practising something, and the way to develop good habits is by practising the right things. Confusing?

Ivy Khor:

Acts 3:26 “when God rose up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways”. From that we know the purpose why God wants to send His son, Jesus Christ to this world. We have to repent in his name. by His name ONLY we can be able to go back to our Father.