Wednesday, November 18, 2009



Romans 14:8 “If we live, we live to the Lord; if we die, we die to the Lord” I often feel that I do not fit in, that I’m the only loner in the group. I tried to change myself to be accepted, but I asked myself. Who are you living for? People or God? Even if you’re not accepted by others, God will accept you for who you are.


Scriptures say “blessed for those who give”. Let me share a story with you. There was a general who had propose an idea to settle some national issue, but ended up the problems were getting worse from the result. But the President of the country was questioned by the reporters over the issue and critics. He didn’t turn the blame on the general instead he looked into the general’s eyes and said. “I bear all the responsibility”. The general was shocked and after the press conference, he told the cabinet members, “I will do anything for this man”. The President had sowed a seed to his life. He acts as a giver that changes someone’s life and being respected. He was US President Ronald Reagan, a good leader of the world.


I would like to share a formula. Success=Efforts+Ability+Prayer+Attitude. Our principal used to tell us about this. She’s a religious lady. Today, I went to visit her as she had been feeling unwell for a while about the spinal problem. At her house, I can really see she is such a religious person. She always says prayer is important. Indeed, it’s true! Also, from her, I can also see the formula is just so true. She is such a successful person. We should pray, anytime, not just in time of need.

Ivy Khor:

John 17:9 “I pray for them. I’m not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours”. This is what Jesus prayed to the Father in heaven. I had been prayed for everyone’s salvation in this world before, but I know that God had only chosen some of the people in this world, this scripture told us about it. For those who love the world can’t go back to the heaven, as they don’t love God. So what do you choose? The world or God?