Are you the only Christian in your family? Are your family members giving you a hard time? You can find comfort in John chapter 6, 7 and 8. Jesus faced the same challenges and discouraging problems in His family and Jesus showed us how He dealt with them. Bro and sis, take heart! You should change your family members not the other way round! Let’s pray for family salvation! I have received much devotion sharing from you guys which is great!
1 Thessalonians 4:12 “people who are not Christians will respect the way you live” Everything we do, we think, we speak, etc… can coherently reveal one’s behaviors and attitudes. So, as Christians, we should live a godly life, everything we do in life should please God, and let others, especially non-believers see the shadow of God in us. Don’t ever let others question us: you are actually a Christian? Live a godly life which can transform others’ lives.
以前有人告诉我, 你知道通往上天的号码是什么? 还小的我问, 上天那里也有电话? 那人应, 在凡事里你都可以寻求神, 可以拨打333. 那时, 我还以为拨打这话码就能与神沟通. 其实, 神已在圣经里阐述祷告就是我们所用的电话一样. 你可以很多时间在聊天, 为什么不花在与神沟通? 可能我们不知道祷告的力量, 今天我要与你分享: 耶利米书33:3 “你求告我的, 我就应允你, 并将你所不知道, 又大又难的事指示你.” 长大后, 我开始明白事理, 很感恩让我领悟出这一番经节的含义. 我奉主耶稣的名, 你也会得着, 看见. 持续祷告的心, 因为我以祷告来到你跟前, 我要寻求你, 每一次我祷告, 我摇动你的手, 我的手不能动… 惟有那至上的神能帮助你, 引领你. 阿门.
Isaiah 44:8 “Do nit tremble, do not be afraid” There will be no other beings beside God that will protect you. God is the almighty God. Those who worship idols just to seek comfort will never know what God’s love is like. I thank God for rescuing me. God saved all of us from darkness. Praise the Lord!!
Ivy Khor:
Luke 14:10 “when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that your host will say ‘friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all your fellow guests.” You will get more if you are humble. If you are proud, you will gain less knowledge from others. May God bless.
In the Old Testament, Sam asks God to forgive him everyday for something he did three years ago. He asks forgiveness more than 500 times for the same thing. The problem is he didn't receive forgiveness and mercy. Continue to listen the voices "You did something bad and unforgivable. God can't bless you." So, we declare to stop and declare! "Father, thank you for your mercy endures forever. I may have made mistakes in the past, but I know your mercy is fresh and new every single morning. So, I receive it by faith today."
Xin Yi:
If you are worrying about something… Matthew 6:25-34 look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you! Why do you have so little faith? Ya, why huh? Ha. Touched till it makes me want to cry. XD
God reminds me that I need to rely on Him every moment. When I study or do other things, I shouldn’t rely on my wise, as God’s the origin for everything. I won’t get what I want if I don’t seek the guidance from Holy Spirit.
Are you the only Christian in your family? Are your family members giving you a hard time? You can find comfort in John chapter 6, 7 and 8. Jesus faced the same challenges and discouraging problems in His family and Jesus showed us how He dealt with them. Bro and sis, take heart! You should change your family members not the other way round! Let’s pray for family salvation! I have received much devotion sharing from you guys which is great!
1 Thessalonians 4:12 “people who are not Christians will respect the way you live” Everything we do, we think, we speak, etc… can coherently reveal one’s behaviors and attitudes. So, as Christians, we should live a godly life, everything we do in life should please God, and let others, especially non-believers see the shadow of God in us. Don’t ever let others question us: you are actually a Christian? Live a godly life which can transform others’ lives.
以前有人告诉我, 你知道通往上天的号码是什么? 还小的我问, 上天那里也有电话? 那人应, 在凡事里你都可以寻求神, 可以拨打333. 那时, 我还以为拨打这话码就能与神沟通. 其实, 神已在圣经里阐述祷告就是我们所用的电话一样. 你可以很多时间在聊天, 为什么不花在与神沟通? 可能我们不知道祷告的力量, 今天我要与你分享: 耶利米书33:3 “你求告我的, 我就应允你, 并将你所不知道, 又大又难的事指示你.” 长大后, 我开始明白事理, 很感恩让我领悟出这一番经节的含义. 我奉主耶稣的名, 你也会得着, 看见. 持续祷告的心, 因为我以祷告来到你跟前, 我要寻求你, 每一次我祷告, 我摇动你的手, 我的手不能动… 惟有那至上的神能帮助你, 引领你. 阿门.
Isaiah 44:8 “Do nit tremble, do not be afraid” There will be no other beings beside God that will protect you. God is the almighty God. Those who worship idols just to seek comfort will never know what God’s love is like. I thank God for rescuing me. God saved all of us from darkness. Praise the Lord!!
Ivy Khor:
Luke 14:10 “when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that your host will say ‘friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all your fellow guests.” You will get more if you are humble. If you are proud, you will gain less knowledge from others. May God bless.
In the Old Testament, Sam asks God to forgive him everyday for something he did three years ago. He asks forgiveness more than 500 times for the same thing. The problem is he didn't receive forgiveness and mercy. Continue to listen the voices "You did something bad and unforgivable. God can't bless you." So, we declare to stop and declare! "Father, thank you for your mercy endures forever. I may have made mistakes in the past, but I know your mercy is fresh and new every single morning. So, I receive it by faith today."
Xin Yi:
If you are worrying about something… Matthew 6:25-34 look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you! Why do you have so little faith? Ya, why huh? Ha. Touched till it makes me want to cry. XD
God reminds me that I need to rely on Him every moment. When I study or do other things, I shouldn’t rely on my wise, as God’s the origin for everything. I won’t get what I want if I don’t seek the guidance from Holy Spirit.