Monday, November 16, 2009



Hebrews 9:12 “He took His own blood, and with it He secured our salvation forever”. How can one be so merciful to sacrifice oneself to save others? People will just, naturally, save oneself in prior of any other things. But God is so kind; He is willing to sacrifice Himself to save the world. What kind of sacrificial love!!


Jobs 34:23 “God has no need to examine men further, they should come before Him for judgement”. Sometimes I’ll wonder, is life fair? Is God fair? Yes. God is justice. He promised no evil will go unpunished, no good will go unrewarded. Don’t think that evil always win, because in justice world, we have God as judge!


“And he has given us this command: whoever loves God must also love his brother.” (1 John 4:21). For those who love God, he has to love his surrounding people. This is a basic of love. Love other like I love myself. I tell myself to be observant, concern to surrounding. I care my friends’ needs as they are my friends. Whoever is willing to see their friends unhappy around you? So do love your surrounding people with a heart of Jesus’ love.


Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived. His book of wisdom encourages a husband to look his wife in the eyes and tell her “there are many beautiful women in the world, but you excel them all”. An old man found that his wife got Parkinson illness one day and started to forget him. This old man quit his job as a CEO of a listed company, but all the board of directors tried to stop his resignation. The CEO looked into their eyes and said, “I made a commitment to this woman over fifty years ago. She may not know who I am now, but I know who she is.” This is called commitment!

Ivy Khor:

约翰15:16 “不是你们拣选了我, 是我拣选了你们; 并且分派你们去结果子, 叫你们的果子常存, 使你们奉我的名, 无论向父求什么, 他就赐给你们.” 既然主耶稣拣选了我们, 我们就该因此而感谢神. 为其他人救赎和灵命而祷告, 家人更少不了. 让他们知道主耶稣基督才是真神, 道路和真理! 沉睡的灵啊, 是时候醒悟了! 切勿放弃寻求神的话语! 神有可能会拿走我们的恩典, 恩赐, 恩膏, 救赎和一切的一切! 做错事情? 奉主耶稣的名跪在神面前悔改, 宣告说从此做上帝喜悦的事! 求主帮助我们每一位华宣的弟兄姐妹, 兴起来为主做更大的事! 阿门!