Sunday, November 1, 2009


Ivy Khor:

Luke 20:17 “The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone” Sometime we are stubborn, didn’t hear what God wants us to do, but each of us has our own role to fulfill God’s will, although we are sinners, God has chosen us, use us to conquer this world! May God help us. Amen.


1 Timothy 4:4 “since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it. We may receive it gladly, with thankful hearts” People always not satisfy with what they have, always aim for more, aim for better things; instead, never thanks for what they have now. And always blame for the current situation. This shall really not be the case. We should always thankful for whatever we have, everything, every people are created by God; if we are not satisfy with these things and people, we are actually unhappy over God’s creations. So, let’s think over it. Be thankful and always feel contented, grumble less, you’ll lead to a happier life!


John 1:32-34 “I saw the spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him” John baptize Jesus and a dove descended, landed on Him. Jesus was baptized with Holy Spirit. We too are baptized with Holy Spirit. Believe it when I say, we all have a dove on our side just like Jesus. The spirit will remain forever.


I would like to share this song with you all tonight. Holy Spirit touched me through it. “All that I’m is Yours, all that I have is Yours, and I give You my heart and soul… Lord! Every day is Yours, every breath is Yours. You alone are worthy of all praises. I surrender all to You. ALL. I’M NOTHING WITHOUT You. Jesus Christ, take my life, I lay it all down at Your feet…” We should thank Him for everything that He has done, not because of who we are, is because of who He is!


When God told Abraham and Sarah they were going to have a child, God had to change their names to Abram to Abraham (father of all nation), Sarai to Sarah (princess). God wants them to have faith to receive what they never believe they ever can. Over the times, they have changed their self images, no longer think they are old and barren but believe they are going to be fruitful and productive and give birth to a child called Isaac. Perhaps you may face something impossible, please think twice now! What do you think?


“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16) God, You really love the world and not willing to see His people suffer. He loves us until sacrifices His beloved son. Could you sacrifice anything you like the most for the people surrounding you? Think deeply upon the question. God has done a lot of sacrifices for us; but, what have we done for God? Only stuck into trouble, we only shout His name. Just a believer but not what Jesus wants us to be a disciple. Spread good news to the world. Think! Pray hard.

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