Sunday, November 22, 2009



Hebrews 11:17,27. When God tested Abraham, offered Isaac as a sacrifice, he received the promises. Every one of us has our own promised land, but do we receive it by faith? By faith Moses left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger, because he saw Him who is invisible. Do we look ahead for what God has for us and always trust in the invisible but Almighty one?


A story to share tonight. “Son, on the inside of every one a battle is raging between two wolves. One is evil. It’s angry, jealous, unforgiving, proud and lazy. The other wolf is good and filled with love, kindness, humility and self control. These two wolves are constantly fighting”, said the grandfather. The little boy asked, “Grandfather, which wolf is going to win?” He smiled and said, “whichever one you feed” You have the answer?


Eccles 2. This book is written by Solomon. He tried to find heaven on earth by his wealth and possession. But in the end he felt dissatisfied because he didn’t want to leave earth. In Colossians 3 Paul advised to “set your mind on things above, not on things on earth”. So don’t try to find heaven on earth, because you won’t!


James 2 talks about the topic of prejudice. It teaches us not to judge and treat others with certain bias. For example, when you treat rich people far more than poor ones, it can be discrimination which shows we are guided by wrong motives. V8 “love your neighbour as yourself”. No prejudice! Everyone’s the same in God!!